Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Brazilian History: The Years of Lead #1

The years between 1964-1989 are known in Brazil as Os Anos de Chumbo (The Years of Lead). That’s because during this period Brazil was under a brutally violent US-controlled puppet government military dictatorship.

How did it come into existence?

1. Brazilians vote in a very left-wing candidate whose policies benefit Brazil and the Brazilian working class, not the US economy.

2. The US sends its navy over to Brazil to be at the ready in case the Brazilian military is met with armed resistance during its takeover of the government.

3. Military dictatorship is put in place. 

Sunday, 25 October 2015

Brazilian Culture: Differences #8

In Brazil there is no distinction between a raven and a crow.

They’re both called corvo (plural, corvos).

Brazilian Culture: Differences #2



In Brazil to say that something is bárbaro (barbarian/barbaric) isn’t always a negative thing - usually it means something is good.

It’s a term used somewhat in the same way “awesome” or “cool” would be used in English.

i.e. Que bárbaro o que eles fizeram na instalação de arte! (How cool what they did at the art installation!)

It can, however, also have with a negative connotation.

Though come to think of it I’m pretty sure we typically only use the negative meaning of the word when translating something described in another language as “barbaric" such as in “tratamentos bárbaros” (barbaric treatments)…

Same thing in Argentine Spanish! I learned the hard way…

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

typhlonectes: Gang Of Hairless Kittens Refuses To Let Woman...


Gang Of Hairless Kittens Refuses To Let Woman Make The Bed

(via: The Dodo)

What she says:

Opa! (an exclamation akin to ”Whoops!” or”Whoa!”)

Saiam daqui! (Get off! - literally, “leave here!”)

Saaai! (Get ooooff!)

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Brazilian Colloquialisms, Sayings, and Slang #91

Doença de primeiro mundo - [The] First World Disease

Literally, “illness/disease of [the] First World”


Very few people in Third World countries have allergies, because 99% of the time they allergies are caused by people living in over-sanitized environments (which then causes the body to start attacking itself, as it produces white blood cells no matter the environment you’re in, and they need something to fight).

Saturday, 10 October 2015

Brazilian Colloquialisms, Sayings, and Slang #90

Espirito de porco - Pig-Spirited

You know the people that litter beautiful wilderness areas? 

Yeah, this is them. 

Someone who is “pig-spirited” refers to people who dirty up nature areas (e.g. waterfalls, canyons, lakes, hiking trails, what have you), deface ancient buildings with graffiti, and generally ruin it for everybody. There’s more ways one can be “pig-spirited, but I’m sure you get the idea.

Thursday, 8 October 2015

imperialtnt: brazilspill: Taken just outside Belo Horizonte,...



Taken just outside Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais in 2006.

From what I understand, in English their name is “black tufted marmoset” or “black-tufted tamarin”.

In Brazil tiny little monkeys like these are all referred to as a mico (which made the name of Pocahontas’ raccoon - Meeko - really confusing for me as a kid). 

This specific kind is known as a mico estrela (star mico, due to the little star on its forehead). 

When I was young these guys would come onto our porch and take our food

There was one that would come up to my classroom and wait for us to share our lunch (his favourite was ham-flavoured Fandangos xD)

My mom’s friend lives in an area where she has to keep the windows locked at all times otherwise they get in and tear up the kitchen looking for snacks. Kinda like the scene from Jumanji with the monkeys in the kitchen.

Brazilian Portuguese: Loanwords #7



Shopping - The mall.

Outdoor - Billboard (though each state will pronounce it slightly differently, in my state, Minas Gerais,  it’s pronounced “ouch-daw’r”).

in my state (Rio Grande do Norte) it’s pronounced “ow-tee-daw’h)